It’s August and I don’t think anybody feels like doing anything this month except vacationing. The weather is hot and humid, we are eye-balling September when the energetic fall cycle begins (as well as the school cycle) and we know we’re going to need our wits about us for that. Our summer days are winding down and yes, we have officially passed the Chinese calendar marker “Beginning of Autumn” several days ago. It is a time of transition.
Since we’re in this place of waning energy and relaxation, perhaps it would be fun to think about what we might take with us on a feng shui inspired vacation. Here are some ideas to get you thinking about how to make the most out of your remaining summer travels for the year:
1) Put together an aromatherapy kit. If you are unfamiliar with aromatherapy, you can buy a small guide to it in just about any bookstore. Read a little bit about it before you begin to use the oils.
I might suggest the following essential oils to make the trip really pleasant:
Peppermint oil (for nausea, travel sickness, and tummy trouble)
Lavender oil (to help promote sleep and relaxation. It also works wonders on burns, insect bites and all kinds of skin problems.)
Tea Tree (one of the best anti virals around and great for cleaning questionable spaces. Also good for cuts, scrapes and bites.)
Lemon (just a great scent to clear the air in unfamiliar places and also a great oil for cleaning.)
2) Bring something from home that makes you feel at home wherever you are. If you’re traveling by car, you might like to bring your pillow. If there is no room for that, bring something like a scented candle or a favorite photograph.
3) Leave your house picked up before taking off. No one wants to come home to dirty dishes, laundry in the dryer, and a trash bin that smells less than wonderful. You’ll dread leaving the house a mess the whole time you are away (trust me on this one).
4) If you haven’t read a book on feng shui, take a beginner’s guide with you. It’s great reading and you can pick up a few tips for your own space while you’re at it. I’m on standby if you have questions about anything you’ve read.
When fall arrives on the Western calendar, you’ll feel more rested and ready to go again if you take this opportunity to enjoy the remains of summer. You can use the essential oils when you get home as well–they keep for several months if not exposed to too much light and heat. We, on the other hand, never seem to get enough.
Until next time,